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38 Parcels Sell At Delinquent Tax Sale For Over $1 Million

Four Properties, 2 In Crothersville, Fail To Sell When the delinquent property tax sale list was first advertised in September there were 144 parcels with back taxes owed. By the time Friday’s tax sale began at the courthouse, that list had been pared down to 41 after...

Fall Property Taxes Due Nov. 13

The Jackson County Treasurer, Roger D. Hurt, reminds taxpayers that the second installment of property tax billings are due Monday, Nov. 13. “This is slightly later this fall as the Nov. 11 Veterans Day is observed by the county on Friday Nov. 10,” said Hurt. “This is...

Sauers Lutheran Serving Annual Turkey & Ham Supper Sunday

St. John’s Lutheran Church (Sauers) will be serving their annual turkey & ham supper and Ladies Aid Bazaar this Sunday, Nov. 5, with serving from 4 to 7 p.m. The traditional sinner is available for a free will offering. Carryouts will be available and the public...

Thoughts On November

by Curt Kovener We have begun the month of “no”: no flowers, no fruits, no vegetables, no warm sun…November. Here are some others’ thoughts on the penultiment month of the year. “Even if something is left undone, everyone must take time to sit still and watch...


LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing Jackson County Water Utility to obtain assistance from the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Loan Program for Drinking Water Utility Improvements The Jackson County Water Utility will hold a public hearing at 5:30 p.m....