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Town Council Approves $3 A Month Storm Water Fee

Crothersville property owners will soon see a $3 a month increase in their combined water-sewer- trash and recycling bill when they being paying for a new storm water utility. The fee is expected to generate a little over $25,000 a year to pay for culverts and...

Public Notices

town-stormwater-ordinance town-rfp-storm-drainage school-cap-proj-adoption county-highway-bid jackson-county-tax-sale  

Units & Measures Not Taught In School

by Curt Kovener For those like me who thought the hardest part of Charles Bard’s high school physics class was the constant conversion from metric to English units, here are some useful Hoosier Humor System Conversions. Ratio of an igloo’s circumference to its...


RESIDENT MANAGER OPENING: Move now. Reduced rent plus bonus for light maintenance and showing prospects. Very nice two-bedroom apartment. Call Mark at 317-432-4235. IF YOU CAN READ, help someone who can’t. Call 523-8688 to start helping MOBILITY ISSUES?? We have...