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Public Notices

2017 School Bus Repl. 2017 School Cap. Proj. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Jackson County Council has called for a public hearing on Ordinance No. 14, Council Bill No. 9, An ordinance establishing a Local option Income Tax for Public Safety and Property...

A Sobering For Middle Age Boomers

by Curt Kovener (This is an encore column from the Curt Comments archives.) When Elvis died it shocked me. Gone at age 42 a bloated poster child of what poor nutrition, drugs, and an opulent lifestyle can result. Now that was 39 years ago and many of us forgot. Some...


RESIDENT MANAGER OPENING: Move in June 1. Reduced rent plus bonus for light maintenance and showing prospects. Very nice two-bedroom apartment. Call Mark at 317-432-4235. IF YOU CAN READ, help someone who can’t. Call 523-8688 to start helping MOBILITY ISSUES?? We have...

A Mid-Summer Day’s Drink

A yellow swallowtail butterfly samples the nectar from an aptly named orange butterfly weed along a county road in Jackson County. ~photo by Joseph F. Persinger