Jul 6, 2016 | Legal Notices
07:06 legal co Add App PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS REGARDING DETERMINATION TO ISSUE BONDS OF JACKSON COUNTY, INDIANA The taxpayers of the Jackson County, Indiana (the “County”) are hereby given notice that the County Council of Jackson County determined, at its...
Jul 6, 2016 | Curt Comments
by Curt Kovener When I stepped off the front porch in the hot and humid Hoosier wilderness I heard a buzzing. It wasn’t the high-pitched buzz of a mosquito, it wasn’t the military cargo plane buzz of a horsefly either. And it wasn’t the silent buzz of a deerfly as it...
Jul 6, 2016 | Classifieds
DRIVERS: Dedicated Home DAILY! $225-$235/day!! CDL-A, 6 mos OTR, Good Background. Apply: www.mtstrans.com or 800-305-7223. 7/13 DRIVERS: CDL-A. Great Pay + Sign-On Bonus! Work 5on/2 off & home every other day! Paid vacation & holidays; Benefits after 90...