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Local History On Display During State’s Bicentennial Year

Crothersville Utility Worker Mason Boicourt adjusts the recently installed bicentennial banners that were installed along US 31 in town. The banners, each depicting a different photo of places and people in Crothersville history, were placed on display as a part of...

Food and Bargains In & Around Town Saturday

There will be traffic and crowds converge on the Greater Crothersville area this Saturday for the semi-annual Community-Wide Yard Sales. The twice-yearly community yard sale is sponsored by the Crothersville Times. An ad listing the locations of sales submitted to the...

Conservation Club Frying Fish During Saturday Yard Sales

The Tri-County Conservation Club of Crothersville, located at 8705 ECR 800 S, will be having their monthly Fish Fry this Saturday, May 7, during the community wide yard sales. All call in orders for the Fry will be taken by calling 498-4447 or 498-6522 from 11 am-...

VFW Serving Mothers’ Day Dinner This Sunday

VFW Post 1083 Crothersville will hold an Open Sunday serving lunch this Sunday, Mothers Day, May 8. On the menu will be Roast Pork, Beef & Noodles, Potatoes & Carrots, Scalloped Potatoes, Green Beans, Sides and Desserts. Serving will begin at noon. The public...

Calling All Earthworms

by Curt Kovener (This is an encore column from the Curt Comments archives.) Why should I bother to write an article about calling earthworms? Better yet, why should you bother to read an article on such a subject? Because the bluegill are biting. The only printed...