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JCCT To Open ‘Curious Savage’ This Weekend

The Savage Family members (Senator Titus, played by John Lewis; Lilly Belle, played by Kathy Passereni; and Judge Samuel, played by Joel McGill) argue over whether to revoke the commitment of their mother to The Cloisters, a home for the mentally ill, in Jackson...

Sign-Up Underway For Community Yard Sales

The Greater Crothersville Community Wide Yard Sale will be Saturday, Oct. 5, according to Curt Kovener, editor of the Crothersville Times, organizer of the semi-annual event. “This is a much anticipated fall tradition and the newspaper has been receiving inquiries...

Crothersville Town Players To Perform Sept. 20-21

The Crothersville Town Players will present the World War I comedy ‘His Return’ on Sept 20 & 21, at Hamacher Hall. ‘His Return’ is a comedy script about a woman anxiously awaiting her husband’s return from WWI and her obsession over her appearance and aging during...