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Fall Community Yard Sales Coming Oct. 5

The Greater Crothersville Community Wide Yard Sale will be Saturday, Oct. 5, according to Curt Kovener, editor of the Crothersville Times, organizer of the semi-annual event. “This is a much anticipated fall tradition and the newspaper has been receiving inquiries...

Family History Workshops Planned At Library

All adults and teens, can take part in a series of free genealogy workshops, Genealogy Detectives, this fall at the Seymour Library. Each program takes place from 10-11:30 a.m. Thursdays in the Classroom, and there is a limit of 12 participants. Part 1: September 19,...

VFW Serving Dinner Sunday

The Crothersville VFW Post 1083 will observe an Open Sunday on Sept. 8 serving lunch to the public. On the menu will be Salisbury steak, friend chicken, mashed potatoes & gravy, green beans, salads and dessert. The meal begins serving at noon.

You Call It Cynical, I Call It Pragmatic

by Curt Kovener  Some recent news items worthy of observation: The federal sequestration-that’s the penalty we all must pay for our elected obtuse, dysfunctional congress not being able to compromise to pass a budget bill- is being felt but not in all circles. We all...