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Locals Attend National Convention

Glenda Seal and Phyllis Hall of Crothersville recently attended the 105th Phi Beta Psi Sorority National Convention in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  While there, they participated in the Memorial Service in remembrance of members who had passed away during the last year....

VFW Serving Dinner This Sunday

Crothersville VFW Post 1089 will hold an Open Sunday serving dinner at noon this Sunday, Aug. 11. On the menu will be fried chicken, fried fish, green beans, parsley potatoes. The event is open to the public.

Butterflies Flutter By

by Curt Kovener I remember a poet calling them “Flying Flowers”. I recalled that one recent afternoon after I had finished mowing. Butterflies are most active during the heat of the day visiting nearly anything of vegetative color for nectar. They particularly like...


VILLAGE APARTMENTS of Crothersville seeks a part-time manager. Fax resumes to 812-342-3983. EOE. tfn TIRED OF POWER OUTAGES? We can install back-up electric generators to insure sump pumps, freezers, furnaces (even TV) operate during extended power outages. Natural...