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Town Considers Moore Street Sewer Work

In an effort to continue to cut down on the amount of surface water that makes its way to the town’s wastewater treatment plant, the Crothersville Town Council last week agreed to advertise for bids to cap several combined sewer inlets along Moore Street. “With the...

Awaiting Miss Muffett

Black and Yellow Argiopes, or Common Garden Spiders, live in fields and gardens. They can be found on shrubs, tall plants, and flowers feeding on flying insects that get trapped in the sticky web. The most common spider meals are aphids, flies, grasshoppers, and...

Fire Hydrants To Be Flushed On Monday

The Crothersville Water Utility will be flushing water lines beginning at 9 a.m. on Monday, July 15, according to water superintendent Chris Mains. “This is done for preventive maintenance to clear rust from the lines and to check on the operation of fire hydrants in...

Crothersville Town Players Dinner Theatre This Weekend

Tickets are now available for the July 12 & 13, production of Piano Lessons at Hamacher Hall in Crothersville. Dinner and Theater will be presented by the Crothersville Town Players. The doors will open each evening at 6 p.m. with the program slated to begin at...

When Pets Strike Back

by Curt Kovener  There was a woman in Kokomo, Indiana who was treated at the Howard County Hospital for an animal bite…an alligator bite. It should go without saying that unlike places like Florida or Louisiana, alligator bites in Indiana are pretty rare. This...