The Town of Crothersville has been awarded a $40,000 planning grant from the State Small Cities & Town Community Development Block Grant. The grant will allow the town to develop a Comprehensive Plan to address future community service needs. “The planning grant...
Crothersville Choir Students won 13 Gold, 2 Silver medals when they competed in the District Indiana State School Music Association District contest held Jan. 26 at Floyd Central High School. Singing Still wie die Nacht, Savannah Wooten won a gold medal in Division 1...
Crothersville and Vernon township residents over the age of 60 may qualify for a no cost monthly food package. The Crothersville Senior Center is participating in a Commododity Supplemental Food Program for older adults over age 60, according to senior center director...
Indiana’s farmland owners will pay higher property taxes in 2014 on the heels of an increase in the base rate for assessed land value, Purdue Extension agricultural economist Larry DeBoer says. The base rate, which is the starting point for calculating taxes on...