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Not Even Cold Cash Brought Relief

Saturday afternoon highs capped a fifth straight day above 100° but a Sunday afternoon cold front brought a break from the triple digit temperatures in the area. Some rain fell over the weekend in places giving crops, lawns and gardens an overdue drink.


School Registration Begins July 24 Registration for all students at Crothersville Community Schools, including students new to our school district, will be held Tuesday, July 24, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. local school officials said this week. All registrations will be...

School Board Filing To Begin Later This Month

Local voters may have missed something in the May 8 Primary Election: school board races. The Indiana legislature moved all school board elections to the fall, reportedly to get greater voter interest. Candidates for school board can begin filing their candidacy...

Flat Tire Leads To Arrest Of Missouri Pair

On Tuesday evening, July 3, about 6:30 p.m. Indiana State Police Trooper Matt Holley saw a gray 2007 Ford Mustang at the bottom of the ramp on the northbound side of Exit 41 (Uniontown Exit) on I-65. At the top of the ramp he saw a male and female, later identified as...

July 4 Was Berry Hot

by Curt Kovener             I am not so sure I relish mid-week holidays like we had last Wednesday for July 4th. I enjoyed some time away from work but there just seemed to be so much more work than usual  to get done on Thursday and Friday. But I made good use of the...