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CHS Homecoming Candidates

These Crothersville High School Juniors and Seniors will be a part of the CHS Homecoming activities this Friday prior to the Tigers’ game with South Central. In front are Karlie Schoenfelder, Kelsey Hoskins, Hailey Pasley, crown bearer Dakota Johnson, Chandler...

I.D. Theft Prevention Program Planned At Library

The Indiana State Attorney General’s Office has developed a new Online ID Theft Toolkit that helps keep citizens’ finances and credit safer in today’s world. Amy Wardlow, of the Consumer Protection Division, will present a free program demonstrating...

Public Notice

JACKSON COUNTY WATER UTILITY INC. 2012 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING This is to inform members of the Jackson County Water Utility, Inc. of the upcoming Annual Membership Meeting. The meeting will be held at the Brownstown Central High School cafeteria on Monday, March...

Words You Don’t Hear Anymore

by Curt Kovener I don’t expect anyone born after 1970 to understand this column. You had to grow up in the 50’s & 60’s to hear this from your parents. Thanks to a friend (whose date of birth is suspect) who sent these to me. •Be sure to refill...