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FFA, Community Deliver Over 5.5 Tons Of Holiday Food

Crothersville FFA Members Morgan Muncy, Dylan Brasher and Cody Defibaugh build and wrap some of the 40 fruit baskets delivered last Saturday during the FFA Toy & Food Drive. It took over four hours last Saturday and 50 volunteers to deliver 5.659 tons of food to...

The Times Takes A Holiday Break

This issue will be the last for 2011 as the Times staff takes a much deserved and eagerly anticipated holiday break. There will be no newspaper next week but readers can look for their first issue of 2012 on the usual Wednesday publication date, January 4. From Curt,...

Public Notices

PUBLIC NOTICE The contents of storage Unit 22, formerly rented to Jason Howard, at the Crothersville Handie Self Storage on Marshall Drive in Crothersville will be opened and contents disposed of as a result on non-payment of rent on Saturday, Jan. 7, 2012 unless...

It Wasn’t The Grinch Who First Stole Christmas

by Curt Kovener A law was passed requiring everyone to pay a tax in his home town. That was the law decreed over 2,000 years ago by an occupying Roman government authority. So without government involvement, Old Testament prophecy would not have been fulfilled and...