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Social Security Cuts: Greatest Impact On Rural Indiana

by Leigh DeNoon America’s small towns will be hit hardest by any cuts in Social Security, according to a new Center for Rural Strategies analysis released by the rural news website, the Daily Yonder. The review says that is because rural areas have a higher...

Crothersville Events Embrace Local Festive Holiday Spirit

Holiday events for Crothersville have been announced by a number of sponsoring organizations. The Crothersville FFA Christmas Craft Bazaar will be held at school on Saturday, Nov. 19 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Also that day Aunt Samantha’s on US 31 across from The...

VFW Plans Yard, Craft & Bake Sale Next Week

The Crothersville VFW Post will hold a Community Yard, Craft and Bake Sale Nov. 15-17 in the Post’s Bingo Hall. Residents can rent tables and space for $10 for the three day event. Set up will begin at 10 a.m. each day and the sale will run from 11 a.m. to 8...

The Most Intelligent Thing I Didn’t Say

by Curt Kovener In the newspaper business, I occasionally hear, “ I was misquoted. I didn’t say that.” Frequently it comes after someone says something foolish or without sufficient thought, his/her words appear in print, and not wanting to fess up, claims the...