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CARD To Meet Monday

CARD (Crothersville Area Revitalization and Development) will meet on Monday, March 16, at 6 p.m. at the Crothersville Town Hall. All those interested in taking part in planning and helping with events to benefit the Crothersville community are encouraged to attend....

Umph, Ooh, Ow

by Curt Kovener If you strum an E-chord on the guitar join me in singing “I’ve got those tired, hurtin’ muscles and assorted body pains after working too much outside on the first warm day of the year blues.” And so does Miz Mary. She spent much of Saturday pulling up...


CSO Community Notification As required by 327 IAC 5-2.1-6(1) (Combined Sewer Overflow Public Notification Rule), the Town Council of Crothersville offers local media sources, affected public and other interested persons in and around the Town of Crothersville area to...


WANTED: used motor or transmission oil. Call 525-3472 – – – – – – DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED. No CDL? No Problem! Earn up to $900/wk. Home weekends w/TMC. Company endorsed CDL Training. 1-800-206-7364. 3/25pd – – –...