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DARE Students Graduate At Crothersville

Sheriff Marc Lahrman, Detective Bob Lucas and Officer Darin Downs are surrounded by Crothersville 5th graders and role models Chase Ackeret and Kylie Hensley during the Crothersville DARE graduation last Thursday. Students at Crothersville Elementary School held their...

Santa To Visit CARD Holiday Kick-Off Saturday

As the holiday season gets underway with the annual FFA Craft Show and Food Drive, (CARD) Crothersville Area Revitalization and Development committee would like to invite the public to the Crothersville Kick Off for the Holidays. “We have made arrangements for Santa...

Caylie Guinn Receives Top Awards In Library Writing Contest

The Jackson County Public Library’s Teen Advisory Group hosted a Teen Read Week Essay, Short Story and Poetry contest in October. This year’s theme, Created Equal, was also the theme for a set of books the library won through the National Endowment for the...

A Hickory Nut’s Life Lessons

by Curt Kovener November rains always bring cold. And with the opening of gun season for deer on Saturday and a steady cold rain, I opted not to spend much time at the usually quiet wilderness retreat. After getting caught up and even accomplishing some advanced...