Sep 17, 2008 | Local News
A tree was uprooted by high winds and rested on the home of Marvin & DeEtta Chastain at the corner of Kovener & Howard Streets in Crothersville. Similar damage was widespread across Southern Indiana and Kentucky. Power remains off on the east side of...
Sep 17, 2008 | Local News
The Commiskey Fall Festival will be held this Friday, Saturday & Sunday, Sept. 19-21 in downtown Commiskey. At 6 p.m. will be Commiskey’s Lil’ Mr. & Miss Farmer contest. Musical entertainment will begin at 7 p.m. A parade will step off at 10 a.m. Saturday. At...
Sep 17, 2008 | Local News
James Byrd uses a hatchet to cut pegs while Gary Needler and Vaughn Isenhower fit logs. The cabin raising, supervised by Ed Byrd, was an viewing spectacle for sesquicentennial celebration visitors. And, by the way, the well constructed cabin endured the remnants of...
Sep 17, 2008 | Local News
Valerie Mains’ peach pie was judged the grand champion during the Sesquicentennial Pie Baking Contest Saturday. First place in the Fruit Pie division went to Mary Kay Rose; 2nd, Sue Walther; 3rd, Barbara Pine. In the Cream Pie division, Butch Crafton was first, Sharon...
Sep 17, 2008 | Local News
Sesquicentennial Senior Queen Eunice Lacey is surrounded by other contestants (from left) Dora Dorsey, Virginia Donnell, Mary Kay Rose and Z. Madge Wilson.