Aug 27, 2008 | Local News
A pair of bald eagles recently had a successful nesting at Jackson-Washington State Forest with the hatching of a young eaglet that’s believed to be the first such occurrence at an Indiana state forest. “It’s been kind of like watching a little kid grow up,” said Brad...
Aug 27, 2008 | Local News
Jackson County families traveled to Louisville, Kentucky to participate in the 2008 Kentucky State Fair. These Jackson County youth showed pigs in the open class swine show. Outside states are allowed to show in the open class show. These youth competed against...
Aug 27, 2008 | Local News
The long-awaited Sesquicentennial Committee cookbook are now available at town hall, according to Nalona Bush and Barbara Deputy, organizers of the project. The souvenir cookbook “Heirlooms From Our Sesquicentennial” is priced at $10 each and will be...
Aug 27, 2008 | Local News
CHS Athletic Boosters will be hosting two children’s pageants to be held during next month’s Crothersville Sesquicentennial, according to CAB spokesperson Alisa Sweazy . The Prince/Princess Pageant coronation will take place in CHS Cafetorium located on Oak...
Aug 27, 2008 | Local News
•Vickie Byrd, Queen Pageant Chair, is extending the deadline for the Queen Pageant applications to Friday, Sept 5. “We need more Queen candidates, especially Juniors, age 16-22!” says Vickie. “Anyone who has questions about the queen pageants should...