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24 Properties Are In Crothersville & Vernon Township

There are 129 parcels of property with delinquent taxes that could be sold at an auction at the Jackson County Courthouse on Monday, Oct. 22, beginning at 10 a.m., according to a public notice ad on page 4 of this edition of the Times, Twenty four of those parcels are in Crothersville and Vernon Township.
Real estate on which property taxes have not been paid for 18 months are eligible to be offered for sale by the county for back taxes.
During the October auction, properties will be offered for late taxes and auction fees with a minimum beginning bid.
After the auction, the property owners have up to a year to ‘redeem’ or pay the successful bidder for his bid plus interest.
In the first six months, to redeem a property an owner must pay 10% of the minimum bid and 5% per annum for any bid amount over the minimum bid. After six months, the interest goes to 15%.
In this day of less than 1% savings accounts and 3% CD’s, many investors participate in tax sales as a way to earn better returns on their money.
Residents interested in bidding on the tax sale should register online at
Bidders should arrive the morning of the tax sale at least 30 minutes before the beginning time to be assured to receive a bid number before the start of the sale.
Bidders should bring their registration form and W-9 form with them the morning of the tax sale. These forms can be printed from the registration web site, according to Jackson County Treasurer Roger D. Hurt.
Residents with property on the delinquent property tax list have until the day of the auction to pay the back taxes and have the property removed from the auction’s sale list.