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The Crothersville Town Council grave final approval to lowering speed limits on some town streets when they met last Tuesday. The council has been publicly discussing posting lowered speed limits since the first of the year.
All alleys and some side streets will have a 15 mph limit. Other secondary and primary streets will have 20 and 30 mph limits.
A complete listing of the streets and their speed limits is found in a Public Notice ad on page six of this issue.
The council heard a report of the continued engineering progress of the upcoming Wastewater Improvement Project. Several residents were on hand at the meeting to voice concerns about standing water and slow and non-working sewers following the recent heavy rains.
“This project when completed will be reducing the amount of water flowing along Hominy Ditch by about 30%,” said council president Ardell Mitchell. “That will reduce not only the amount of surface water we treat at the sewage plant but also help the flooding along Kovener Street, Park Avenue and Bethany Road along the ditch.”
Sherry Bridges, director of the Red, White & Blue Festival was on hand to advise the council of a change in the traditional parade route for the festival.
The parade will begin at the Bard Street Park, go west on Bard to US 31 where it will go south and turn onto Main Street and go east then north on Preston through the festival area.
“We had to make the change in order to have a workable emergency vehicle route that INDOT would approve,” said Bridges.
The town’s purchase of a the old Methodist Church Annex for a new town hall is progressing but has slowed because now the sale is in the hands of attorneys preparing documents for the sale. “We hope to have them ready for signing at the town’s June meeting,” said town attorney Travis Thompson.