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by Curt Kovener curt-line.jpg
We should not fear terrorists making us afraid. The reason is because we do a more than adequate job of scaring ourselves.
Concern over catching Swine Flu quickly escalates to cause us to lose common sense.
The H1N1 strain of flu seems to be a less virulent than many non-medical people are making it out to be. And it appears that by the time people ill with flu-like symptoms are tested, they are over the illness before the test results confirm that they had Swine Flu.
Since the H1N1 strain originated in Mexico, some locals have shunned the Hispanic population to avoid catching anything. Which the Hispanics should appreciate because we won’t be spreading our germs to them.
I heard some people warning to not eat pork and ham out of fear of catching Swine Flu. As long as the meat is properly cooked the only thing you will get from eating pork or ham is heartburn or indigestion. However, too much pork can cause gout but we don’t see mass hysteria about that painful joint condition.
I wonder if it were called Chicken flu, would we be in a quandary to eat that illness comfort food: chicken noodle soup?
And I’ve heard of locals advising others to avoid some rural areas of the county where hogs are raised to avoid catching Swine Flu. By doing so the only thing these wanna-be scientists avoid is the barnyard aroma.
So, just what are the symptoms of H1N1? Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen, Sudden dizziness , Confusion, Severe or persistent vomiting.
And any number of those is a daily occurrence for some of us.
I’ve tried to point out the foolishness of Swine Fly hysteria, but what special precautions can we all take to lessen our chances of getting sick?
•Wash your hands before any activity or meal
•Cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, use a disposable tissue, and cough into the crook of your arm when possible
•Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth
•Wash you hands
•Avoid handshaking, hugging and personal contact
•If you have a fever see your doctor
•Eat properly, stay hydrated, get sufficient rest
•Wash your hands
You see, it’s simple and nothing to be scared about. Most of us learned these personal hygiene lessons in elementary health class.
Now, do your part to keep America safe: go wash your hands.