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The Greater Crothersville Community Wide Yard Sale will be Saturday, Oct. 5, according to Curt Kovener, editor of the Crothersville Times, organizer of the semi-annual event.
“This is a much anticipated fall tradition and the newspaper has been receiving inquiries about the fall community yard sale since the first of August,” said Kovener.
Residents can have their yard sale promoted free of charge by sending their name and yard sale location to or by calling the newspaper’s electronic secretary at 812-793-2188.
“We want to encourage residents who plan to hold yard sales to notify the newspaper,” said Kovener. “The larger the list the greater number of potential buyers for yard sale goods come to town.”
The community yard sale ad will be published in the Oct. 2 Crothersville Times. The deadline for submitting your sale location is 5 p.m. Friday, Sept. 27.