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The deadline for signing up for free advertising for the Oct. 6 Greater Crothersville Community-Wide Yard Sale is 5 p.m. this Friday, Sept. 28.
The event is sponsored semi annual by the Crothersville Times.
“Fall is traditionally a well attended sale time,” said Curt Kovener, editor of the local newspaper. “And we may be on track to set a new record for number of yard sales in the area.”
Residents holding a yard sale can take advantage of free advertising by call the newspaper’s electronic secretary at 793-2188 or by e-mailing their name and sale location to
“We encourage residents holding sales to notify the newspaper so that they can be added to the list of free advertisers,” said Kovener. “Certainly non-advertised sales can take advantage of the traffic generated, but if too many residents don’t notify us and only a few sales are advertised, bargain seekers will probably think there isn’t much going on in the Crothersville community and travel elsewhere.”