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Crothersville residents have spoken with their dollars to select the design for new ‘Welcome to Crothersville’ signs at the north and south entrances to the community.
The winning design features a Tiger in homage to the school mascot, a flag noting the home of the Red, White & Blue Festival, a steam locomotive because Crothersville began in 1858 as a train town and had a depot until the late 1950’s, and a drawing of Hamacher Hall, the community’s cultural arts center. The former Presbyterian Church pays homage to the town’s founder and the influence churches had in Crothersville’s life.
Chad Wilson is heading up the project and said the new welcome signs should be installed in the spring of 2020.
Residents could vote with their billfold through the month of October.
“The sign with Hamacher Hall was the peoples choice,” said Wilson. “But we are still accepting contributions to defray the costs.”