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Up To 12 More Streets Could Be Paved in 2019

Having just completed a $335,428 grant which resurfaced 14 streets in Crothersville the town council decided at last Tuesday’s monthly meeting to seek second year funding to pave more local streets.
The rules are the same as the previous grant: the town must contribute 25% of the requested funds. The town intends to contribute all of its local street funds allotted for 2019. The sticking point is that the town just began its budget process and the amount available for next year’s paving is not yet known.
“For every dollar you put toward this grant you can receive three additional dollars,” said town engineer Brad Bender of FPBH. “You can take the money you usually spend on street paving and resurface four times as much.”
Clerk-Treasurer Terry Richey said that she though the town could put up to $80,000 as a local match. That would mean the town could apply for $320,000 from the Community Crossroads grant.
“That amount of money will go a long way with paving more Crothersville Streets,” commented council president Danieta Foster.
However, time is of the essence. Bender said he has put together a list of streets but the final submission needs to be soon.
Among the streets to be preliminarily considered for milling, repair and resurfacing include:
•Industrial Way from US 31 west to the new extension.
•Howard Street from Bethany Road to Park Ave.
•Main Street Circle
•Pennsylvania Ave. from Walnut Street north to the corporate limits.
•Howard Street from Dismore to Preston.
•Moore Street from US 31 to Preston St.
•Moore Street from Preston east to the corporate limits.
•Main Street from the Railroad to US 31.
•Walnut Street from Kovener St. to Seymour Road.
•Preston Street from Moore to Coleman.
•Coleman from Preston St. to Seymour road.
•Seymour Road from Howard St. to Walnut St.
The engineer’s preliminary estimate for that work is just over $316,000.
Councilman Lenvel ‘Butch’ Robinson questioned whether Main Street Circle, which was recently accepted into the town street system, should be resurfaced. “Should we look at paving Walnut Street east of Preston? It’s just a gravel road and could be a connector for East & West Street residents going north on US 31 to work.”
However, the town engineer said “Bare gravel doesn’t score well for this grant. Main Street Circle has a base and is beginning to get rugged.
Bender added, “Economic activity and connectivity are two points the state scores highly” in considering grants for approval.
Timing is going to be critical, Bender said, suggesting a special meeting later this month to nail down the streets to be included in the grant request in order to meet the early October grant application deadline.