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Legal Notices

2019 SCSD2 AFR LEGAL NOTICEPUBLIC NOTICEThe City of Austin intends to obtain grant-loan assistance from United States Department of Agriculture – Rural Development (RD) for a proposed project that includes the purchase of Police Vehicles and Police Vehicle...


BANKRUPTCY Payment plans available. 812-522-0628, Mark Risser, Attorney at Law. We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the bankruptcy code. tfn911 SIGNS Make sure police, ambulance & fire department can find you. $15 includes...

Town Closes Street, Approves Employee Pay Schedule

Approving an employee wage schedule and closing a street on the town’s northside were approved by the Crothersville Town Council when they met Aug. 4.At the request of adjoining property owner Michael Anthony, a platted but never paved or used street will be...