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Festival Royalty

Kolton Blevins and Teagan Cutshall (front) were named this year’s Red, White & Blue Festival Prince & Princess. He is the son of Kyler & Carly Blevins; she is the daughter of Derin & Tallas Cutshall. In back at left are runners-up Kameron Maxie, Olivia...

Family Fun At Flag Wavin’ Festival

The weather was near ideal, the rain held off (for the most part), and good sized crowds enjoyed the past weekend’s 44th Crothersville Red, White & Blue Festival. Contests and family oriented activities are always a hallmark of the patriotic salute to the nation’s...

Retiring RWB Committee

Four of the six retiring Red, White & Blue Festival Committee were parade marshals this year. Marion Gill, Sherry Bridges, Doris Kovener and Cami Brumett, along with Terry Prine and Bobby Deal (who could not ride on the float because of parade announcing and sound...

The annual festival parade is for the young and young-at-heart as these ‘motorcycle mommas’ of Crothersville Sandra Foster (driving) and Freida Smith exemplify.

Some Things On Which To Contemplate

by Curt Kovener Here is some trivia, facts and bits of information that may be of no use but will make you a more informed human. •It takes glass one million years to decompose, which means it never wears out and can be recycled an infinite amount of times. •Gold is...